
“It Can Wait” is AT&T’s new campaign against texting and driving. The campaign is designed to create a new way for people to pause texting conversations without ignoring their messages. When you are about to drive, you text #x to the other person to let them know that the conversation is now on pause and […]

Swimming through mounds of paperwork, running to make appointments and cycling across changes in the business climate are common elements in the lives of busy professionals. And while competition in the business world breeds success, some professionals are swimming, running and biking for a different competition: the fourth annual Ironman Wisconsin Triathlon. On Sept. 11, […]

Employees in the state of Wisconsin, like employees everywhere, might sometimes wonder what is contained within the employee file maintained by their employer. After a new employee finishes their initial paperwork (i.e. designating an emergency contact and completing an I-9 form), these files may seem like a black hole – information goes in, but it never […]

The United States Supreme Court recently decided a case that could have a significant impact on pending and future OWI investigations.  In Missouri v. McNeely, the Court held that in drunk-driving investigations, the natural dissipation of alcohol in the bloodstream does not constitute an exigency in every case sufficient to justify conducting a blood test without […]

This is National Teen Driver Safety Week. It is a great time for parents to review traffic safety with your teen, even if they haven’t started driving yet. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, traffic crashes are a leading cause of death for teens 15 to 18 years old. In 2017, 755 teen drivers died […]

Family, parades, turkey, football – sounds like a recipe for a great Thanksgiving day. Keep family and friends healthy and safe this holiday season with these food safety tips for all your upcoming festivities. And have a happy Thanksgiving! That post-Halloween sugar high is finally burning away, which means pre-holiday meal planning can begin! Gathering […]

If you own a car, you need to know some basic insurance information to protect you and your family. There are a number of coverages available, and insurance companies exclude coverage for many different circumstances. This article will cover some of these basics.  However, different companies have different forms, and you should not use the information in […]

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau recently issued new regulations intended to help clarify and modernize the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. These new rules are intended to help consumers by making it easier for them to assert their rights against debt collectors. Through the next few blog posts, these rules will be described and […]

I received a call recently from a gentleman who was on probation and his agent was attempting to revoke his probation and send him back to jail. When I recommended that he obtain an attorney to fight for him he asked, “why would I need an attorney if I am probation?” This made me realize that […]

Drinking remains the number one cause of accidents and deaths from impaired driving. However, an increasing number of drivers are testing positive for marijuana. Here are the latest reports on this growing public safety concern. Elizabeth Kemble, a widely admired advocate for kidney health in Oregon, was out for a walk following her third kidney […]