Getting the Most Out of Your Personal Injury Settlement in Wisconsin

Getting the Most Out of Your Personal Injury Settlement in Wisconsin

When you seek to settle a personal injury case, there are no guarantees about how much money you’ll receive. However, there are strategies you can employ to help maximize your compensation. Getting the most out of your personal injury settlement in Wisconsin requires understanding the various factors that influence the calculation. An experienced personal injury lawyer can explain how those factors apply to your case. 

Understanding Personal Injury Settlements

A personal injury settlement is an agreement between you and the insurance company of the person or party that caused your injuries. When you accept a settlement offer, you agree not to pursue additional money for your injury and related losses.

A settlement can help you pay for injury-related expenses like medical bills or rehabilitation. The money can also make up for your lost income at work. Perhaps most importantly, a fair settlement can account for any future expenses you anticipate due to your injury. For victims with serious injuries and disabilities, compensation for the future may include money for expected medical procedures or long-term income losses such as lost earning capacity. Maximizing your personal injury settlement is vital to secure your future, especially if your prognosis is uncertain.

How Can a Personal Injury Attorney Maximize My Settlement Offer?

Estimating the value of a personal injury case is not straightforward. Certain expenses, like medical bills, are relatively easy to calculate. However, Wisconsin law allows injured victims to receive compensation for intangible losses like pain and suffering. An experienced personal injury can evaluate these subjective losses to determine the full value of your case and demand a fair settlement offer. Without a solid understanding of what your case is worth, you could receive an offer for far less than what you deserve. 

Avoiding Pitfalls in Settlement Negotiations

Claimants often face setbacks in settlement negotiations with insurance companies. Insurers are not eager to maximize payouts and may use various tactics against you, such as making a quick settlement offer before you have consulted a lawyer. The strategy is an attempt to hit you when you are most vulnerable. In the immediate aftermath of an injury, there’s no way to place an accurate value on your case.  

Other pitfalls may stem from: 

  • Unknowingly revealing too much information to a friendly insurance adjuster
  • Agreeing to give a recorded statement without a lawyer present
  • Signing anything without your attorney’s review
  • Disputes over who was at fault for the incident 
  • Lack of evidence

Settle for More With Help From a Wisconsin Personal Injury Attorney

Legal counsel can help you make the most of your personal injury settlement. LawtonCates is a premier personal injury law firm with over 65 years of experience handling even the most complex cases. Contact us today for a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer in Wisconsin.

Author: LawtonCates

At LawtonCates, we take fighting for accident victims very seriously. It’s how we’ve always done it for six-plus decades as a reputable South Central Wisconsin law practice. Our lawyers are passionate about helping people get back on their feet because we know their health, livelihood, and future are at stake.