Category: Consumer Law

All of us use hazardous substances in our homes. To prevent accidental poisoning or exposure, it is important that we recognize these hazards and store these products safely. Check out helpful resources and tips in this issue of You Should Know A woman in South Jordan, Utah, was recently poisoned when she ordered sweet tea […]

Ally Financial, Inc., has filed a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court to “decertify” a class action filed against it in Missouri; this case has implications for Wisconsin consumers as well. In the case, Ally is accused of illegally repossession cars in Missouri by not giving proper written notice to the car owners. A class action […]

If you own a credit card, you have probably given up your right to a trial in the event of any dispute with the credit card company. You probably didn’t know that when you signed up for the card because the information was buried in the fine print. You most certainly did not know that the “arbitration” […]

Today, the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions, the state agency that, in part, has a role regulating certain businesses in this state, released an important press release on the growing problem of collections fraud, specifically collectors or persons acting as collectors making phone calls to attempt to collect a debt that may never have existed, […]

Many people try to pursue a Lemon Law claim on their own without hiring an attorney. After all, the Lemon Law is supposed to be a self-enforcing consumer statute, providing lemon owners with a full refund or a comparable new vehicle. What can possibly go wrong? The answer is, unfortunately, plenty.  Despite lawmakers’ intent in […]

In the past few years, there has been a rise in “work from home” businesses which claim to let a person choose their own hours and make thousands of dollars in their spare time or while watching their children. Often, these companies require the “worker” to pay up front to purchase equipment and training, and […]

1300 Wisconsin consumers who entered into loan contracts with Arrowhead Investments, Inc. from December 21, 2001 through December 21, 2007 stand to receive relief in the form of loan forgiveness in a settlement agreement approved in Dane County Circuit Court on Wednesday, July 29, 2009. Pursuant to the settlement agreement, Arrowhead Investments, Inc. has also agreed […]

Car owners in Wisconsin have rights even after they have defaulted on their car loans. Lenders who repossess your car in violation of those rights may have to give the car back and may face even greater penalties, including (under some circumstances) having to repay you all the money you’ve ever paid them. But those […]

An increasing number of people are receiving unwanted calls and text messages on their phones; these calls often come at inconvenient times, use up data and minutes, and clog voice mails. Luckily, consumers who receive unwanted calls can take efforts to reduce the number of calls and sometimes even collect money if callers don’t quit. How to Stop Harassing […]

Revelations that GM chose profit over safety highlight once again why it is so important to stand up for every American’s constitutional right to pursue justice in a court of law. It is the great equalizer between the individual and the powerful. On March 10, 2010, Brooke Melton experienced the worst kind of déjà vu. […]