Category: Americans’ Rights

One of the most rewarding aspects of our job is to help courageous people stand up for their rights and recover from what are often terrible circumstances. Here are the stories of several remarkable people who have turned tragedy into action Motivated by tragic circumstances in their own lives and a passion to help others, […]

There are a lot of extraordinary people and organizations dedicated to protecting the safety and legal rights of Americans. Of course our brave clients who decide to stand up for their rights are the first line of defense in holding corporations and powerful special interests accountable. Then there are those legislators and public servants throughout […]

Attorney David Stegall blogs about what happens if someone is arrested and the rights that they have. He talks about a specific case, State v. Lemoine and what happened during that interrogation. He talks about police coercion and what you should do and shouldn’t do if you are ever in this type of a situation. […]

Trial lawyers have long been a target of interest groups bent on protecting business. The attacks are usually cloaked as tort reform, which is code for depriving citizens of their constitutional rights to a trial. The latest attack is on the most basic of protections; the freedom to enter into a private contract. Trial lawyers […]

In this video I explain your rights when interacting with the police during the context of a traffic stop. Part 3 of this short series will focus on police citizen encounters in the context of your residence. Your rights, and the prohibition against unreasonable government searches and seizures arises from the Fourth Amendment to […]

The right to a trial is America’s great equalizer, protecting individuals from those with more power and influence. We should all be aware and concerned whenever this right is threatened, as we discuss in this month’s issue of You Should Know. “In suits at common law, trial by jury in civil cases is as essential […]