Author: LawtonCates

One of the many concerns a party considering divorce will likely have is trying to lessen conflict with their spouse and save costs. Some parties do not wish to seek assistance of counsel in their divorce, and some may not have the financial resources to do so. Self-represented parties should know that while litigation and […]

I wanted to share a podcast and other resources from Tony Robbins that may help you and your business during this challenging time. Over the last couple years, I have found Tony Robbins to be a great source for daily motivation along with personal and business development strategies. Even if you do not typically listen […]

An increasing number of people are receiving unwanted calls and text messages on their phones; these calls often come at inconvenient times, use up data and minutes, and clog voice mails. Luckily, consumers who receive unwanted calls can take efforts to reduce the number of calls and sometimes even collect money if callers don’t quit. How to Stop Harassing […]

Trial lawyers have long been a target of interest groups bent on protecting business. The attacks are usually cloaked as tort reform, which is code for depriving citizens of their constitutional rights to a trial. The latest attack is on the most basic of protections; the freedom to enter into a private contract. Trial lawyers […]

Kevin and Amy Summers have always considered themselves responsible citizens. They live modestly, pay their taxes and make sure their family is covered by insurance. But when the Appleton couple’s then 3-year-old son, Parker, was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer in 2002, their carefully constructed safety net turned out to be illusory. […]

Most people know asbestos is a serious health hazard. But what might surprise many is how prevalent it still is today despite years of dire health warnings and the continued risk of exposure in schools, businesses and homes. This month, the latest. Backpack: check. Pencils: check Respirator: ??? Two years ago, the Ocean View School […]

On March 27, Governor Evers issued a statewide ban on foreclosures and evictions. The order, a copy of which is available online here: It prohibits landlords from taking any steps to terminate a tenancy if the termination is based on a failure to pay rent. This means that the landlord cannot give you a […]

In this video I explain your rights when interacting with the police during the context of a traffic stop. Part 3 of this short series will focus on police citizen encounters in the context of your residence. Your rights, and the prohibition against unreasonable government searches and seizures arises from the Fourth Amendment to […]

We see insurance companies in action almost every day. While not all of them act in bad faith, many of the largest companies changed business tactics in the 1990s to maximize profits while minimizing claim payments. Many of these are also the companies with the catchy advertising slogans and the quirky commercials. This month we […]

One of our nation’s most sacred promises to veterans is that we will take care of them if they are hurt in battle. But that promise is too often broken. As Veterans Day approaches on Nov. 11, we take a closer look at the issue of veterans’ benefits. Right now more than 240,000 veterans have […]