Author: LawtonCates
In keeping with the December spirit of reflection, we reviewed a year’s worth of headlines for a list of the top safety and justice stories from 2016. Progress was made, but there are still many challenges ahead. Thanks for supporting civil justice! Are you making all those lists and checking them twice? Gifts? Holiday cards? […]
Here are four remarkable stories of people who courageously took on long odds to make a difference in protecting the safety and legal rights of all Americans. Take a look and use the survey link below to tell us which story impacts you the most. Motivated by a passion to help others, our nominees for […]
What is Sexting? “Sexting” generally refers to the act of sending sexually explicit messages, photos, or video primarily between mobile phones. Over the last several years the number of people “sexting” has increased while the ages of the people creating the sexual explicit images seem to be decreasing. Seizing upon the popularity of sexting, there […]
1. Post Arrest For our purposes, suppose the police arrested Mr. Smith based on an eyewitness statement that Mr. Smith entered a home, seemingly without consent, caused some property damage, and took some property from the home. After a brief investigation, the police locate Mr. Smith and arrest him. The police drive Mr. Smith to the police […]
Federal officials recently reported a steep increase in roadway deaths throughout the nation in 2015. We suspect that distracted driving is one factor in this increase. This month we urge all our friends and family to help end distracted driving. According to AAA, Americans drive the fewest miles during the winter months. Once April rolls […]
The rise of the opioid epidemic has swept up thousands of people into our criminal justice system over the last decade. Prior representing clients in private practice, I served as an Assistant District Attorney in Milwaukee County for approximately six years. As a prosecutor I saw firsthand that drug crimes cut through all socio-economic classifications. Stated differently, substance […]
The ballot box and the courthouse are two pillars of democracy that have long defined American democracy. We have embraced the notion of one person one vote, and the ability to have our disagreements resolved by a jury of our peers. These ideals have come under attack in Wisconsin this year and the result is bad […]
The Eminent Domain Process In Wisconsin; A General Overview Chapter 32 of the Wisconsin Statutes lists the entities entitled to use eminent domain powers to take private property for a public purpose. That power is used most commonly, but not exclusively, for road and utility projects. Those whose property may be taken by eminent domain […]
The costs of raising a child are substantial. The family court system helps offset these expenses through child support. Child support is an obligation to support your child which is generally set by a court order. The payment of child support is meant to cover basic support costs. These basic costs include food, shelter, clothing, transportation, and incidental […]
Invariably, every parent is confronted with questions about video games for his or her kids. Knowing that video games top many wish lists for holiday gift giving, we thought a little inside information on the topic might be helpful. Happy holidays! As entertainment publishers crank out the big video game titles just in time for […]