Year: 2019

In the past few years, there has been a rise in “work from home” businesses which claim to let a person choose their own hours and make thousands of dollars in their spare time or while watching their children. Often, these companies require the “worker” to pay up front to purchase equipment and training, and […]

You may be surprised that Wisconsin’s motorcycle helmet law does not require that everyone operating or riding a motorcycle wear a helmet. Helmet law states have varying legislation across different states regarding helmet use. The law covers passengers under 18. To read the statute itself, see Wis. Stat. sec. 347.485. Helmets are only required for […]

The concussion story is another example of what can happen when people stand up for their rights. As former Pittsburgh Steelers QB Terry Bradshaw said: The NFL is “forced to care because it’s politically correct to care. Lawsuits make you care.” Will Smith’s portrayal of Dr. Bennet Omalu in the film Concussion has again sparked dialogue about […]

There was a time when the insurance company would hire an investigator to follow an injured worker around and shoot video of her going about her day. Sometimes the investigator would follow the claimant for weeks, picking and choosing when to turn the camera on. The point of the video surveillance was to show that […]

Wisconsin passed a law that prohibits texting while driving. The law prohibits sending or composing text messages while driving, but not reading them. The law imposes as modest fine for a violation of the law. The fine may be as low as $20.00. One would think the legislature could do better than that for an activity that is more […]

As the saying goes, a dog is man’s best friend. Most of the time, a dog is a wonderful companion that enriches the life of its owner.  Unfortunately, there are times when man’s best friend will bite a person because of provocation, fear or instinct. In fact, there are millions of dog bites per year in […]

Who Should Have A Will? Anyone of sound mind and at least 18 years of age can create a will. A will is particularly important for single or married individuals who wish to exercise control over the distribution of their property. If you die without a will you are said to die intestate. This means that your property […]

1300 Wisconsin consumers who entered into loan contracts with Arrowhead Investments, Inc. from December 21, 2001 through December 21, 2007 stand to receive relief in the form of loan forgiveness in a settlement agreement approved in Dane County Circuit Court on Wednesday, July 29, 2009. Pursuant to the settlement agreement, Arrowhead Investments, Inc. has also agreed […]

In this video, I talk about the most common issue I hear from people after interacting with a police officer, which is “the police did not read me my rights.” I explain what your rights are and why we call them Miranda rights. I also explain how the police try to avoid having to advise […]

I have written several times about the dangers of texting and driving. The studies clearly demonstrate that a person is more distracted when they text and drive. They have more difficulty staying in their lane of travel. They are more likely to rear-end a car slowing in traffic, and are less likely to see children entering the road. […]