What Is the Average Settlement for a Car Accident in Wisconsin?

What is the average settlement for a car accident in Wisconsin

If you suffered injuries in a traffic crash, you may wonder what the average car accident settlement in Wisconsin might be. Settlement amounts depend on many factors, including the extent of the injuries, whether the victim is partially to blame for the accident, and the insurance policy limits of the at-fault party. The best way to learn what your case is worth is to consult an experienced car accident attorney. A lawyer can evaluate your options and place an appropriate value on intangible losses, such as pain and suffering, that are not easy to calculate in personal injury claims.  

What Is the Typical Car Accident Settlement Amount in Wisconsin?

There’s no such thing as a “typical” settlement amount for Wisconsin car accidents. Settlements can range from a few thousand dollars to ones in the multi-millions. It all depends on the facts of the case and the responsible party’s insurance coverage. 

Generally, one of the most important settlement factors in Wisconsin relates to the severity of the victim’s injuries. The greater the injuries, the more a car accident case may be worth. However, it is not the only consideration accident victims should consider. Seeking legal help can prevent you from settling for less than you deserve.  

What Factors Impact Settlement Amounts?

Many factors affect settlement amounts in Wisconsin, including:

  • Medical expenses – Any medical bills for surgeries, hospitalization, medical treatments, prescription medications, assistive devices, and physical therapy can create substantial financial burdens. 
  • Disability – If your injuries result in a long-term or permanent disability, your case may be worth more. Individuals disabled in car accidents may seek compensation for home or vehicle modifications, such as ramps or elevators, to accommodate their disability. They can also claim compensation for the lost quality of life their disabilities cause.
  • Lost wages – If your injuries cause you to miss work while you’re recovering or prevent you from future employment, you can seek compensation for lost wages and loss of earning potential.
  • Pain and suffering – Pain and suffering are more subjective losses, but they are every bit as real. Your lawyer can help you put a fair value on the cost of your physical pain and emotional distress caused by the injury.

What Happens If I Am Partly at Fault for the Crash?

Wisconsin follows a comparative negligence rule that reduces the compensation you can receive based on your percentage of fault. Under this system, you can still receive compensation as long as your percentage of fault is less than that of the other at-fault party. Your total compensation will be reduced by your portion of responsibility for the crash.

There’s one exception: If the court or insurance company finds you 51 percent or more at fault for the car crash, you cannot recover any compensation. This is why working with an experienced personal injury attorney to develop a solid defense is crucial if the insurance company tries to pin more of the blame on you.

Can a Car Accident Lawyer Tell Me How Much My Case is Worth?

A car accident attorney can estimate how much your case might be worth after they review the evidence, discuss your injuries and their impact on your life with medical and financial professionals, and evaluate the crash’s emotional effects on you. They can also assist you in seeking a settlement for the full value of your case. However, they cannot guarantee results for you. 

Schedule a Consultation with Our Car Accident Attorneys for Free

The car accident attorneys at LawtonCates have provided legal representation to injured victims in South Central Wisconsin since 1958. Put our experience to work for you. Call or contact us today for a free consultation with a trusted car accident lawyer. 

Author: LawtonCates

At LawtonCates, we take fighting for accident victims very seriously. It’s how we’ve always done it for six-plus decades as a reputable South Central Wisconsin law practice. Our lawyers are passionate about helping people get back on their feet because we know their health, livelihood, and future are at stake.