Jefferson Car Accidents

Were you injured in a car wreck in Jefferson, Wisconsin, that wasn’t your fault? As a car accident law firm with nearly 70 years of experience, LawtonCates stands ready to protect your rights and fight on your behalf for fair compensation.

Our lawyers care deeply about our South Central Wisconsin community, and we won’t rest in our pursuit of the money you need. We’ll handle all the legal work in your case while you rest and focus on your medical treatment. Call us today or complete our contact form for a free consultation with a Jefferson car accident lawyer.

Benefits of Hiring a Jefferson, WI, Attorney for Your Car Accident Claim

The decision to hire a Jefferson car accident attorney could be the most important one you make in the challenging aftermath of a serious wreck. An experienced attorney can thoroughly evaluate the full extent of your claim, from your immediate medical expenses and vehicle repair/replacement costs to the long-term consequences of ongoing treatment, rehabilitation, and changes in your quality of life. This comprehensive approach is crucial to securing a settlement that truly reflects what you’ve suffered already and what you may suffer in the future because of the crash.

Moreover, handling a car accident claim on your own could be risky. There are complex procedures and requirements that, if mishandled, could jeopardize your ability to secure fair compensation. Without the proper legal guidance, you might inadvertently say or do something that could hurt your car accident case. Insurance companies know how to exploit such vulnerabilities and may strong-arm you into accepting a denial or pressure you into accepting an unfair settlement.

Furthermore, accident victims who represent themselves rarely have the resources and industry connections to effectively gather and analyze the available evidence or turn it into a compelling case. This could result in an incomplete picture of the accident and its consequences, undermining the claim’s potential value. In contrast, an attorney has access to a network of professionals and resources to help them build the strongest case possible.

Concerned about the cost of enlisting this legal representation? Don’t be. Most personal injury lawyers — including those at LawtonCates — work on a contingency basis, only accepting a fee if they win their case. That way, there’s no barrier to securing high-quality legal representation in Jefferson.

What To Do After a Car Accident

Taking certain steps after an auto accident is crucial to protect your rights. In doing so, you can put yourself in a strong position to pursue compensation for the car crash:

  • Seek Medical Care – Attend all scheduled medical appointments and follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations. Documenting your injuries and treatment is vital for your health and any future claims.
  • Document Everything – Keep a detailed record of any expenses related to the vehicle accident, including medical bills, repair estimates for your vehicle, and any correspondence with insurance companies.
  • Report the Accident to Your Insurance Provider – Notify your insurance company about the motor vehicle accident as soon as possible. Be honest about the details, but avoid saying anything that could implicate you in the car wreck.
  • Limit Communication with the Other Party’s Insurer – If the other insurance company contacts you, be careful what you say about the auto collision. Do not agree to any settlements or sign any documents without consulting an attorney. Tell them you are considering engaging legal counsel.
  • Avoid Discussing the Accident on Social Media – Keep details of the auto wreck and your recovery off social media platforms. Insurance companies will be looking at your posts for anything they can use against you during legal proceedings.
  • Consult an Attorney – A car accident attorney in Jefferson can provide legal advice tailored to your situation and manage the details of an insurance claim.

How We Investigate Car Accident Cases

At LawtonCates, we start a car accident investigation by gathering as much evidence as possible about the accident. This includes photos, videos, and police reports, which provide a clear picture of what happened. We also look for any nearby surveillance cameras that might have captured the incident.

Next, we speak with any witnesses who saw the accident. Their firsthand accounts can corroborate the sequence of events and help establish who caused your injuries. We’ll review your medical records with medical experts to fully understand the extent of your injuries and how they impact your life.

We also consult accident reconstructionists to learn how the accident happened and accountants to determine its long-term effects on your life. These specialists can offer insights into the causes of the accident and the long-term effects of your injuries. Their expert testimony can significantly strengthen your case.

We will keep you informed and involved throughout this process. Your insights and experiences are crucial to building a compelling case, and we want you to know exactly where your case stands.

Compensation You Could Recover in a Car Accident Claim

The specific amount of car accident compensation depends on many factors that we cannot address without reviewing your case carefully. That said, the people to blame for your injuries might owe you compensation for your:

  • Past and future medical bills
  • Lost income
  • Diminished future earnings
  • Reduced quality of life
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distressed
  • Vehicle repair/replacement costs

Parties Who Could Be Held Liable for a Car Wreck in Jefferson, WI

Anyone whose behavior contributed to the cause of the car accident could be at least partially liable for what you suffered, in which case they could owe you money. Depending on the circumstances, that might include:

  • Other Drivers – The most immediately liable party is likely another driver who did something they should not have, such as speeding, distracted driving, impaired driving, or violating traffic laws.
  • Employers – When a car accident involves a commercial vehicle or an employee driving for work-related purposes, that person’s employer could be responsible.
  • Vehicle Manufacturers – The company that manufactured a defective vehicle or component could be liable for an accident that resulted from that defect.
  • Government Entities – Sometimes, accidents result from poorly maintained roads or inadequate signage. In such cases, local or state government entities might be liable.

Could You Recover Compensation if You’re Partly to Blame for a Car Accident?

Unlike some states, Wisconsin allows you to recover compensation if you bear some fault for an accident. However, state law only allows you to recover compensation if your degree of fault for an accident is less than 51 percent. Moreover, it will reduce your compensation by the same degree as your fault. In other words, if you’re 20 percent to blame for an accident, you can only receive 80 percent of any court award.

If you believe you bear some fault for an accident, a car accident attorney can consider various strategies to lower your share of fault to maximize your claim’s value.

How Long Do You Have to File a Car Accident Lawsuit in Wisconsin?

Wisconsin law generally gives you three years to file your car accident lawsuit, though there could be some exceptions to this rule. Talk to a car accident attorney from LawtonCates right away to get the specific deadline for your lawsuit and to ensure you don’t inadvertently lose your right to compensation.

Common Types and Causes of Car Accidents

It’s important to recognize that any type of car accident can lead to a personal injury claim. That said, here are some of the most common Jefferson car accidents we at LawtonCates see:

  • Distracted Driving Accidents – These occur when something diverts a driver’s attention from the road, such as texting, using a navigation system, or eating and drinking
  • Uninsured Accidents – These collisions involve at least one driver who lacks insurance coverage, complicating the process of recovering compensation.
  • Drunk Driving Accidents – Intoxication is one of the leading causes of traffic accidents, particularly those that result in fatalities.
  • Uber/Lyft Accidents – These incidents can involve complex liability issues, especially when determining the rideshare company’s insurance coverage versus the individual driver’s.
  • Hit-and-Run Accidents – These occur when a driver gets in an accident and illegally leaves the scene without providing contact information or aiding the injured.
  • Rear-End Collisions – Common in traffic jams or sudden stops, these happen when one vehicle crashes into the back of another, often because a driver is tailgating or wool-gathering.
  • Head-On Collisions – This type involves the fronts of two vehicles colliding and often results from wrong-way driving or drivers swerving into oncoming traffic.
  • T-Bone Accidents – These accidents involve the front or rear of one vehicle colliding with the side of another, often due to failure to yield or disregarding traffic signals.
  • Vehicle Rollovers – These particularly dangerous accidents can result from sharp turns at high speeds, collisions, or tripping over an obstacle like a curb.
  • Multi-Vehicle Pile-Ups – These accidents occur when one initial collision triggers a chain reaction of crashes, often in heavy traffic and sometimes exacerbated by poor road or weather conditions.

Typical Injuries Resulting from an Auto Collision

Car accidents in Jefferson often result in severe injuries to drivers and passengers. Among the most common car accident injury types are:

  • Whiplash
  • Concussions
  • Broken bones
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
  • Internal bleeding
  • Lacerations and bruises
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Burns
  • Dislocations
  • Rib and torso injuries
  • Knee trauma
  • Crush injuries
  • Amputations
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or other mental health conditions

Contact a Jefferson, WI, Car Accident Lawyer Today

Were you or a loved one hurt in a car accident in Jefferson, Wisconsin? Do you believe someone else was at fault for the crash? Then call LawtonCates today or reach out online for a free consultation, and let’s start pursuing the compensation you need to move on with your life.