Student Loan Protection

Attorney Briane Pagel blogs about how you can reduce and protect yourself from student loan debt.

Student loan problems often seem insurmountable, but in reality borrowers have numerous options for reducing or eliminating loan payments, curing defaults and avoiding garnishments, all without having to resort to bankruptcy.

Eliminate student loans.

Under some circumstances, it is possible for students (and parent co-signers) to eliminate their student loans entirely. If your school closed or eliminated classes or degrees, if the school or bank did not treat you fairly, or if you were unable to obtain employment in your field of study, you may be able to get rid of your student loans and pay nothing back.

Reduce your student loan payments and cure loan defaults.

Our attorneys can help you restructure your loans, even if you have refinanced them before, and even if you are in default. We know which programs are available for students and their parents to reduce their loan payments. We have helped students reduce payments to as low as FIVE DOLLARS per month. Call us to discuss your options for retooling your loans to fit your finances.

Turn the tables on student loan collectors, and sue them for illegal practices.

Students and parents who owe loans are entitled to the same consumer protections as any other borrowers. You have a right to be free from harassment. Student loan collectors who contact friends and family, or call you at your place of employment, or even call you too often, can be liable under a variety of state and federal laws, and might end up paying you money.  Our lawyers have been in the forefront of protecting student borrowers from overbearing and illegal collection tactics, and have helped establish student borrower rights while collecting money for our clients.

The student loan system can be bewildering and intimidating, but not dealing with your student loan problems now can result in them creating difficulties for the rest of your life. Let our lawyers help you fix your student loan problems, so you can focus on the things you want to do.

Author: LawtonCates

At LawtonCates, we take fighting for accident victims very seriously. It’s how we’ve always done it for six-plus decades as a reputable South Central Wisconsin law practice. Our lawyers are passionate about helping people get back on their feet because we know their health, livelihood, and future are at stake.